Mother's Day Q&A with Liv Carter
For our second chapter of 'Mothers in Cashmere' we are delighted to introduce you to Liv Carter. Mother to Poppy and Levi, General Manager of the perpetually humming Soul Bar & Bistro, and one of the most magnetic women we've ever met. We were delighted to dress her in our brand new and softest texture to date, brushed cashmere in beautiful blush pink.
When asked what being a mother means to Olivia, she wants to be their hero forever: "This stage in life brings so much love and laughter and it is what I enjoy the most. Cementing this beautiful connection with each other, the little private jokes you only know together, but also to take in their innocence whilst I can. It is such a big lesson to myself and husband to stop and enjoy these moments together while we can - the ones where I am a hero for buying them an ice cream after school. I want to be their hero forever!"
We hope you enjoy reading Liv's full Q&A below. We so loved dressing you Liv and your kiddies Poppy and Levi for this campaign celebrating motherhood, that is very dear to the heart of Elle & Riley.
What does being a mother to your gorgeous kiddies Poppy and Levi mean to you?
Being a mother brings so much responsibility and also so much joy! The age they are at now (9 & 12) have been my absolute favourite stage. I am responsible for helping to shape these two little humans and guide them to know what is right and wrong, be kind and generous but also to strive for so much in life. I want them to be happy, work hard but to also set boundaries that are non-negotiable for their future. That’s not much at all right?!
This stage in life brings so much love and laughter and it is what I enjoy the most. Cementing this beautiful connection with each other, the little private jokes you only know together, but also to take in their innocence whilst I can. It is such a big lesson to myself and husband to stop and enjoy these moments together while we can - the ones where I am a hero for buying them an ice cream after school. I want to be the hero forever!
What is a soft and comforting memory you have of your mother?
I simply remember my mum always being my safe space – it was just her and I for so many years and I appreciate now how she put me before anything else. That safe space was so important to me growing up.
Being an only child, I always wanted to play with other kids on holiday but was really shy. She would hold my hand and walk over to other kids and ask if it would be ok if I joined in – the relief when she did this!! I loved that she knew I needed this little bit of help and it's funny I still remember it so clearly. I do it for my kids now, but I know it doesn’t mean as much as they have each other, but to me it was everything
Your mama lives overseas - how will you be showing your gratitude to your mother this Mother’s Day?
Good question! I think this year after answering and rereading these questions, I might make a bit more of an effort in the words I say. A reminder to tell her the things she does that make me smile or make me feel valued and loved. They might be small or big but then when she wears the gift I get her, or she looks at it, she will be reminded that she is the best mum there is because her daughter told her so.
What does your ideal Mother’s Day look like?
I am really big on my kids acknowledging how important this day is to me. I don’t need big presents or gestures but it is the one day that I do like a bit of a fuss (husband also well versed on this day). I don’t mind if they have picked me a flower from a neighbouring garden or written a note on a scrap piece of paper, but I do feel like in my world I like them to stop and be thankful for the life we all have – and all their mum does for them. This year I have actually arranged for a group of our friends and kids to come together for an early dinner at Soul to celebrate us all and the extended family we have created. I love bringing people together to celebrate and if I can't be with my own mum I want to be with the people who are helping to shape me as a mum.
Question for Poppy and Levi - describe your mama in 3 words!
Levi – Loving, caring and thankful
Poppy – Loving, Boss Woman (haha) and helpful