Mother's Day Q&A with Beck Wadworth

Mother's Day Q&A with Beck Wadworth

"Endless cuddles and kisses" is how beautiful mother and muse Beck Wadworth likes show to her love and comfort to her gorgeous baby girl Isabella. "My mother was very present. She was nurturing, supportive, loving & always there for us. I like to think that I emulate these same traits as a mother too." We had such a beautiful time shooting this stunning mother and her daughter, in between bribes of rice crackers, to capture such a memorable moment just weeks before Beck's wedding day. Dressed in head to toe Elle & Riley cream cashmere, this is monochrome chic at its finest. As a brand founded by mother and daughter, the timeless bond between mothers and children is one that we cherish deeply, and we hope you are enjoying our 'Mothers in Cashmere' series that intends to celebrate mothers, grandmothers and mother figures and all the enduring love, softness and resilience they bring. Read Beck's full Q&A below. 


As a mother of beautiful little one year old Isabella, what is your favourite way to show her your love and comfort?

Endless cuddles & kisses. My favourite moment is when she wakes up & I can hear her saying 'Mumma, duddles?' As soon as I pick her up she just gives me the biggest cuddle & kiss & we hop into bed for our morning coffee/bottle. It's the absolute best!  

How does the feeling of wearing cashmere evoke memories of moments shared with your mother?

Growing up in Marlborough in the South Island, I have lots of memories of being all rugged up with mum throughout the years. Nowadays when I visit home we are often in our matching cashmere high-neck black jumpers or cream crew neck ones enjoying our morning coffees, walks, or a wine in front of the fire at home together. So many beautiful memories.  

What motherly acts of kindness and care for you as a child do you emulate from your own mother?

My mother was very present. She was nurturing, supportive, loving & always there for us. I like to think that I emulate these same traits as a mother too. 

How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this year?

Isaac & I will be married on Friday 26th April with Isabella by our side. With Mother's Day so soon after I'm planning to soak up the newly-wed bubble, slowing down & spending quality time with my amazing wee family. 

If Isabella could say all her words today, how do you think she would describe you?

Loving, nurturing, compassionate & caring.